Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hamilton Is A Musical Written By Lin Manuel Miranda

Hamilton is a musical written by Lin Manuel Miranda that was debuted on January 20th, 2015. It was a great success winning alone 11 Tony awards (â€Å"Tony Awards 2016† 2016). From The Public Theater to Broadway, Hamilton has reached the eyes and ears of many leaving people thirsty for more of Hamilton. Hamilton the Musical is the owner of 46 tracks that lead the listener through the life of Alexander Hamilton; from childhood up until his unfortunate duel that results in his death. Hamilton the Musical demonstrates the struggles and hardships Alexander Hamilton had to face and secondary sources show Lin-Manuel Miranda’s childhood and upbringing that demonstrate and provide similarities between Lin-Manuel and Hamilton. The musical Hamilton had a big impact on today’s culture and the interpretation of the story of America’s founding fathers took many by surprise. Many stars and politicians have lined up to watch this musical including stars that inspired the music for Hamilton. Miranda said in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine that â€Å"Busta was the first and the greatest, because he sat in the front row. That was about as nervous as I ve been. For me, it s been exciting to meet a lot of lyrical giants. Andre 3000, when he came, I was very conscious of him. Eminem was another one of those. I was sick when Jay Z and Beyoncà © came† (Binelli, 2016). The Broadway show is currently sold out and is expected to stay on Broadway for the next decade. The musical took a piece of solidShow MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Sexuality In Music844 Words   |  4 Pagesdiversified us in every genre, and has become a consistent part of American life. Therefore, Americans spend a considerable portion of their leisure time listening to music or participating in activities that have music involved. A good portion of each musical genre uses sexuality as the basis for their lyrics.Sexuality can be categorized into different groups that can help us better understand the distinction between them. These groups pertaining to sexuality include; the historical meaning and relevancyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Hamilton 1052 Words   |  5 PagesEssay 4 Hamilton has created a revolution. Hamilton: An American Musical is a musical created by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The musical is based on a book written by Ron Chernow about Alexander Hamilton’s life. The story narrates the founding of the United States. The show is being called a revolution due to its language. Lin-Manuel Miranda is being called this generation’s Shakespeare. They both use modern language to reach their audience. In this case, the language is Rap and Hip Hop. Most broadways showRead MoreAnalysis Of The Musical Hamilton 1805 Words   |  8 PagesHamilton Essay The musical â€Å"Hamilton† is the most sought after musical in years. It is the first seen rap musical and it has received the most ‘Tony’ awards and nominations in Broadway history. Hamilton premiered off Broadway in 2015 and soon moved to Broadway to stun the world with it’s incredible everything, from plot to casting. For best albums, Hamilton was second ranked in Billboard magazine and has got endless supply of recognition for the ingenious play written by the phenomenal Lin ManualRead MoreThe Character Of Alexander Hamilton849 Words   |  4 Pagesuntrustworthiness, self-righteousness, or ego. In the award-winning musical, Hamilton: The Revolution, by Lin-Manuel-Miranda, the character of protagonist, Alexander Hamilton may be described in many ways. However, one character trait stands out among the rest. The main character trait of Alexander Hamilton, self-righteousness, shaped everything about his life: how he grew up, how he dominated in debates, and even how he fell from grace. Hamilton always stuck by his ideals, not caring whether it affectedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Musical Hamilton : An American Story1471 Words   |  6 PagesObedient Servant is one of the last songs in the musical Hamilton: An American Story. This song is based off a set of interactions between the title character, Alexander Hamilton, and his antagonist, Aaron Burr. It follows the Song, Election of 1800, in which Hamilton openly supports Thomas Jefferson to become president instead of Burr after the electoral tie between the two candidates. The tension that has been growing throughout the entire musical has climaxed at that point and then the infamousRead MoreMusical Theatre As A Theatrical Performance1913 Words   |  8 PagesMusical Theatre is a theatrical performance when the story is told through dialogue, song, and dance. Back then, people didn’t Snap Chat, Face Time or watch TV for entertainment; they would go to the Theatre for a night o ut, first date, etc. To give a more definitive description of how musicals evolved, affected, and influenced throughout history, a time line of major musicals that defined certain stages of Musical Theatre will probably help people understand what makes it so unique. Now a quick

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